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This site automatically searches for and automatically collects content from the internet.A man has been arrested after a woman's body was found in a sports hall in a major Polish city.
The 41-year-old Polish man was arrested on suspicion of murder, but police did not rule out any other possibility.
The body was found at about 9am in central Otwock, just outside the Polish capital Warsaw, where the man is originally from, Polish media reported.
It is not yet clear when the body was placed at the venue, or who exactly the woman was.
The man arrested in the case is believed to be the manager of a large sports centre in Otwock, where the body was found.
Polish media reports that the centre has been working to piece together the woman's identity since her body was discovered.Q:
How to work around the reload() method for Django query dicts?
I have a specific place where I use reload() in my queries. It works great with filtered querysets, but is there any better way to accomplish this task?
If you're always reloading a queryset, you could always just call.filter() again after the initial query.
But if you are actually using the reload() and query method, then you're most likely doing something wrong.
The problem with the first ac619d1d87
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